Kapittel - information in English
Kapittels main venue is Sølvberget Library and Cultural Centre in the heart of the beautiful Stavanger city.
Literature and Freedom of Speech
Kapittel, Stavanger International Festival of Literature and Freedom of Speech, is an annual festival organised by Sølvberget Library and Cultural Centre.
Kapittel is one of the largest and most renowned literary events in Scandinavia, with a strong focus on freedom of speech and social issues.
The festival invites around 150 guest speakers and authors to our festival featuring stage conversations, lectures, readings, documentary films and a children’s program.
Kapittel aims to present new literary voices to the audience, and to be a venue for presenting a wide range of fiction and non-fiction authors from Norwegian and abroad.
In the excess of 10 000 visitors attend Kapittel every year.
Festival theme of 2024 is family
Every year the festival has a theme. In 2024 the theme is family.
Family is a close and, for many, a cherished concept, which at the same time can carry with it much betrayal and pain, longing and sorrow. The family can both be a protection against, but also a cause of, various forms of social exclusion. At the same time, family is also a political concept, influencing the distribution of power, freedom, privileges, duties, and responsibilities. For the development of the family and societal development are closely linked. How much does family influence who we become, the opportunities we receive, and the choices we make? What exactly is a family today, and how has our view of family influenced literature and freedom of expression, both past and present? Can a renewed understanding of family contribute to a more inclusive society? These are questions we wish to explore at Kapittel 24.
Practical information
Festival passes and tickets can be purchased at kapittel.no, or at the ticket counter on the ground floor at Sølvberget (during the festival week). Festival pass provide free admission to all events provided there are available seats. If festival pass holders want to make sure to get into certain events, they can reserve a place for 20 NOK (40 NOK for external events).
Eventual changes will be updated consecutively at kapittel.no and in social media. Follow Kapittel on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Events in English on Kapittel
Onsdag 18. september, kl. 16:30, Kinosal 9
Kapittel Film: I Shall Not Hate
Onsdag 18. september, kl. 18:30, Kinosal 9
Kapittel Film: Democracy Noir
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 14:00, 1. etasje, Møteplassen
Når familien splittes: En samtale om savn og overlevelse
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 14:30, Kinosal 5
Charlotte Gneuß (DE) presenteres av Marie Aubert (NO)
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 15:15, 1. etasje, Møteplassen
Debatt om framveksten av ytre høyre-partier i Europa
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 16:00, Kinosal 9
Kapittel Film: G - 21 scenes from Gottsunda
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 17:00, -1. etasje, Kjelleren
Det store bildet en samtale om sakprosa og ytringsfrihet
Torsdag 19. september, kl. 17:30, Kinosal 5
Simon & Simon - Simon Strauß (DE) presenteres av Simon Stranger (NO)
Fredag 20. september, kl. 10:00, 2. etasje, Sølvberget galleri
Frokostdebatt: Boklover i Norge og Tyskland - virker de etter formålet?
Fredag 20. september, kl. 11:30, Kinosal 5
Ambassadørens time: Dr. Detlef Wächter i samtale med Erik Fosnes Hansen
Fredag 20. september, kl. 14:00, 1. etasje, Møteplassen
Debatt: Er den tyske erindringskulturen i endring?
Fredag 20. september, kl. 14:30, Kinosal 5
Forskrudd familiekjærlighet - Romy Hausmann (DE) presenteres av Helene Flood (NO)
Fredag 20. september, kl. 18:30, Kinosal 9
Kapittel Film: Can't Feel Nothing
Fredag 20. september, kl. 19:00, Kinosal 5
Christian Kracht (CH) presenteres av Erlend Nødtvedt (NO)
Lørdag 21. september, kl. 12:00, Kinosal 9
Kapittel Film: Eiketreet og dyrene som bor der
Lørdag 21. september, kl. 14:00, 1. etasje, Møteplassen
Freedom of Expression in Times of War
Lørdag 21. september, kl. 19:00, 2. etasje, Sølvberget galleri
ICORN lecture by Lyndsey Stonebridge: We are Free to Change the World
Søndag 22. september, kl. 15:00, Kinosal 9